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How to leverage social media marketing for your brand – Saivian Eric Dalius

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Everyone knows that social media marketing is essential, and it’s an easy way to promote and brand your business, but few do it well says Saivian Eric Dalius.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of using SEM effectively to get greater exposure for your company or product.  In Part II of this series, we’ll discuss how to build relationships with the people on those networks so they will begin sharing your content socially.

First off, let me make a couple of things clear – while the title of this article includes “brand,” that doesn’t mean big brands exclusively.  Social media was made for smaller companies and entrepreneurs just as much if not more than larger businesses because they’re more accessible.

Secondly, social media is a tool, and like any other marketing tactic, it should be used in conjunction with the rest of your business plan.  It’s not a silver bullet that will solve all your problems or replace traditional marketing methods.

Who Should Consider Social Media Marketing? – Saivian Eric Dalius

If you have a new product, service, or brand that can benefit from increased exposure. Then social media is for you.  You need to have something to offer first!   Suppose you are an online retailer looking for more traffic. In that case, you should certainly consider using SEM so long as there is some mechanism. By which customers can purchase on your site – whether it be affiliate links, buy buttons, or some other method.

Whether you’re trying to build brand awareness or gain more exposure for your company or product online. SEM can help regardless of how new or established your business is.

What are the Major Social Networks?Saivian Eric Dalius

Let’s look at some of the major social media sites. And what they have to offer brands different types of businesses.  Of course, you should do additional research on your own. To figure out which platforms are best suited for your needs.

Google+ is Google’s answer to Facebook, though it seems that most people prefer one over the other.  There isn’t much difference between them except that G+ requires you to use your real identity when signing up for an account. Whereas on FB, you’re allowed to be anyone or anything (but not both). 

Like FB, there are where you can limit who sees and interacts with your profile and business page.  Google+ allows you to target your updates at specific groups of people (circles) based on who they are and what they like. Unlike FB, which limits the audience automatically unless you pay for it.

The hangouts feature is Google’s version of Skype or a group video chat.   It works on desktop and mobile, but again, it only works if everyone involved has G+ says Saivian Eric Dalius

Hashtags: #yesplease

Reddit is all about sharing links with other users on topics that interest them.  It uses an upvote/downvote system, so that interesting or relevant content rises to the top. While junk gets buried in the depths, never to be seen again (at least not without taking some pretty dramatic steps).

Reddit has a ton of traffic, and it’s also one of the most influential communities online.  You can submit your content to become part of their discussions. But it will be up to the viewers to decide if what you submit is worth reading. You can promote your brand by posting links or participating in subreddits (community pages) related to your product/service/industry. Which increases your chances of getting your audience involved and engaged.  

Hashtags: #morethanjustabuzzword

Tumblr is a blogging platform that allows users and brands to post text and media (photos, videos, and GIFs) across an extensive range of categories.  It’s fast becoming popular with some big names using the platform.